Sunday, January 8, 2012

In the beginning

In the beginning there was bananas & pineapples!! The stop at the fruit stand has become a tradition & something I look forward to each trip. The team stops on their way from airport in San Padro Sula to the campus in Taulabe. There is something special about the fruit stand. I'm not sure if it is the first glimpse of the culture, the smell of the fresh fruit, or the care that the lady at the fruit stand gives us. I think it is a bit of all. Just like everything in Honduras the fruit is a bit sweeter & there is something familiar that the fruit stand offers for the Americans that are arriving for a week of wonder.

I enjoyed the bity bananas & pineapples every morning for breakfast mmmmm so good. This year one of our team members, Todd, planted the tops of the pineapples in the yard of the mission house. It will be interesting to see how long it takes the plants to produce fruit.

I have been back a week today & it seems like it was forever ago that I was in Honduras. It has taken me a week to 'decompress' from the trip & get back into my routine. It is hard for me to recapture the week in one entry so my hope is to continue my blog using the entries from my journal.

I do want to thank everyone for your prayers & support as I was on this trip. Each trip has been different in many ways but this trip was so special...there was a peace and contentment among the team & you could feel God everywhere. God is definitely at work in Honduras & I hope you will stay tuned to hear about it all.

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100lbs of Love

   I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !!  I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...