Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Every Morning

The mountain top to the right of the hogar...just across the river.
December 28, 2011
Entry from my journal

It is a beautiful morning.  It rained hard last night & it is crisp and clean this morning.  I have  noticed several different kinds of birds this trip.  The wren that sings such a sweet song, a pretty yellow bird similar to a finch but a little larger, some birds that sound like blue jays but are gray, the old gray crane that flies up from the river & the white cow birds that are in the field with the horse and cow.  It is a nice change from the normal grackles that are normally here...running up and down the roof making lots of noise!  I am sitting on the front porch with my dear friend, whose heart I know is breaking.  I am praying that God will make their heart fresh and new like the morning.

I truly enjoyed the mornings on this trip.    After everyone had their breakfast "Pastor Jeeeeem"  would have our Jump Start for the day.  One of the team members called it "Kick Start"  and that really was what it became.  God did so much around that table in the mornings.  Hearts were opened, prayer request were made & it was so obvious that God was there.  Jim had spoken the previous day about having a relationship with God and what that looked like.  Below is how I ended the above journal entry.

 Dear Lord, I want to have a true relationship with you.  I know you, I love you, but I am not sure that I have a relationship with you.  I want to depend on you for my life, like I have depended on you for all my needs for this trip.  Lord draw me closer to you.

22, Because of the LORD’s faithful love
we do not perish,

for His mercies never end.
23 They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness!

24 I say: The LORD is my portion,

therefore I will put my hope in Him. 

Lamentations 3:22-24  (HCSB)

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100lbs of Love

   I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !!  I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...