Saturday, December 24, 2011

Slow Me Down

God work's in unusual ways, for sure. Yesterday he was telling me to slow down....breath....stop rushing!!

We got off work at 11 & I made a bee-line to Grace to pick up the additional gifts that had been left during the week. On my way there a squirrel ran out in front of me & unfortunately I couldn't stop or swerve & he didn't make it :o( I hate it when those things happens. It hurts my heart so bad.

After reaching Grace and loading my car with the gifts (my back seat & rear compartment was full) I was off to meet my friend Tracy. I turn right and continue to drive towards Fletcher. I really wasn't paying attention to my speed; instead I was thinking about what I would wear to the Christmas party that night. I crested the hill and saw the police officer on the right shoulder...instinctively I hit my breaks but it was too late. He already had me. With the blue lights flashing behind me I pulled into a local housing development. By the time he reached the car I had my drivers license ready. Sigh............."Mame do you know what the speed limit is on this road?" sheepishly I replied "45?" That was not the correct answer...the correct answer was 35 & apparently I was going 56. OOOCH! He returned to his car to check my license. By the time he returned I was sobbing heavily knowing what was about to happen. "Are you going to a Christmas Party?" he asked upon returning to my car. Through sobs I replied "no I am taking the gifts to an orphanage to Honduras the day after Christmas." He was very serious & explained to me that if he wrote me a ticket it would be $250 & a court appearance AND he could take my license on the spot. Then his voice softened and he said "But if I give you a $250 ticket two days before Christmas my wife would kill me. Slow down and have a Merry Christmas." I couldn't believe it....I was shaking so bad & was crying even harder.

Between the squirrel and the officer I was getting the message loud and clear to slow down. I think it is something that is often lost in this season & for me it has been especially true this year getting ready for the trip as well.

We all need to stop, slow down, and reflect about what this season is really about. It is also one of my prayers for my slow down...breath...enjoy each moment & look for God.

May God Richly Bless You All


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100lbs of Love

   I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !!  I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...