Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do you have any candles to share?

Have you ever noticed how the light of one single candl tiny flame.... can light a room as bright as a full moon? It is truly amazing.

In America it is such an inconvenience when we loose our power but in Honduras it is a way of life. You never know when you will loose power or for how long but you can be guaranteed that it will happen. The Hondurans adapt and go on; in fact the girls at the hogar love it when the power is off. I have to admit that I have fond memories of being without power myself.

On one trip we were unable to cook during a power outage so we went into town to the little Chinese restaurant for dinner. (they had a gas stove) We walked into a long table set up for us, a party of aprox. 15. The tables were adorned with soda bottles holding lit candles. The ambiance was amazing...the candle light had a warm feel and was so comforting. As we all stood up to leave...just like a switch was flipped, the bright lights came on. The timing of God is always perfect!

As we are gathering our things to take on our journey we will need to take candles to have on hand "just in case".

As you are replacing your old Christmas candles with new ones keep us in mind. You can donate your candles for us to use.

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
1John 1:5

(Contact me at

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post, Dee. Wish I had read it sooner. We love using candles for the soft light, the scent and ambiance. What a nice dinner you all enjoyed by candlelight.



100lbs of Love

   I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !!  I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...