Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gracios Dios

Pastor Yobani back in his home church with his family

I am so often blown away when God answers prayers...honestly I shouldn't be because isn't that why we pray? We are going to God in need? This past week has been filled with visible obvious answers to prayers & I stand here saying WOW!!! God is so good. I know He is just as awesome when we don't see the answers so visible or that his answers are even no.

In my prayers for the trip I have been praying for Pastor Yobani Alas who is the leader of the Fuente de Vida church that we partner with. Pastor Yobani was falsly accused by a former girl of the orphanage & has been inprisoned for four months. God has worked wonderous things through him as he has ministered, like Paul to the inmates of the prison. My prayer has been that justice would be served and the truth will prevail and that he would be at the airport to meet us the 26th. PRAISE GOD my prayers (along with many others) have been answered & he was released on Monday. The judge released him stating 'I see no reason to detain him any longer'.

Another thing I have been specifically praying for is that I would be able to see Johana on this trip. She is the girl that I wrote about earlier on in the blog who I first fell in love with. She is no longer at the hogar but is on her own living in the city. On Monday I received a message from her saying "I still remember you as my mother." along with her phone number. I plan on contacting her while I am there. Please pray that details can be worked out so that we can visit. I have not seen her in two years.

Finally I have had prayers for financial needs. As of today all my expenses have been met. I called to find out the cost of my malaria medicine (originally quoted to me at Walmart for $75) to find out that it would be $10!!!!! Whooo Hoooo!!!!
Thank you for your prayers and support thus far. Please continue to pray...I leave in 12 days and have become increasingly nervous and excited the closer it gets to the day of departure.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, miracles do happen, Dee. I know you will have fun seeing the girls and Johan. What a special time of fellowship.

    My prayers will be with you.

    Love ya,


100lbs of Love

   I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !!  I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...