Saturday, December 24, 2011
Slow Me Down
We got off work at 11 & I made a bee-line to Grace to pick up the additional gifts that had been left during the week. On my way there a squirrel ran out in front of me & unfortunately I couldn't stop or swerve & he didn't make it :o( I hate it when those things happens. It hurts my heart so bad.
After reaching Grace and loading my car with the gifts (my back seat & rear compartment was full) I was off to meet my friend Tracy. I turn right and continue to drive towards Fletcher. I really wasn't paying attention to my speed; instead I was thinking about what I would wear to the Christmas party that night. I crested the hill and saw the police officer on the right shoulder...instinctively I hit my breaks but it was too late. He already had me. With the blue lights flashing behind me I pulled into a local housing development. By the time he reached the car I had my drivers license ready. Sigh............."Mame do you know what the speed limit is on this road?" sheepishly I replied "45?" That was not the correct answer...the correct answer was 35 & apparently I was going 56. OOOCH! He returned to his car to check my license. By the time he returned I was sobbing heavily knowing what was about to happen. "Are you going to a Christmas Party?" he asked upon returning to my car. Through sobs I replied "no I am taking the gifts to an orphanage to Honduras the day after Christmas." He was very serious & explained to me that if he wrote me a ticket it would be $250 & a court appearance AND he could take my license on the spot. Then his voice softened and he said "But if I give you a $250 ticket two days before Christmas my wife would kill me. Slow down and have a Merry Christmas." I couldn't believe it....I was shaking so bad & was crying even harder.
Between the squirrel and the officer I was getting the message loud and clear to slow down. I think it is something that is often lost in this season & for me it has been especially true this year getting ready for the trip as well.
We all need to stop, slow down, and reflect about what this season is really about. It is also one of my prayers for my slow down...breath...enjoy each moment & look for God.
May God Richly Bless You All
Monday, December 19, 2011
Despite what the weather forecast say I see it as a 100% chance of giggles, laughter & fun!! (whatever the weather is) Might be an opportunity to play in the rain? Or sit on the porch and color with the girls. It will be perfect either way!!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Gracios Dios
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Do you have any candles to share?
In America it is such an inconvenience when we loose our power but in Honduras it is a way of life. You never know when you will loose power or for how long but you can be guaranteed that it will happen. The Hondurans adapt and go on; in fact the girls at the hogar love it when the power is off. I have to admit that I have fond memories of being without power myself.
On one trip we were unable to cook during a power outage so we went into town to the little Chinese restaurant for dinner. (they had a gas stove) We walked into a long table set up for us, a party of aprox. 15. The tables were adorned with soda bottles holding lit candles. The ambiance was amazing...the candle light had a warm feel and was so comforting. As we all stood up to leave...just like a switch was flipped, the bright lights came on. The timing of God is always perfect!
As we are gathering our things to take on our journey we will need to take candles to have on hand "just in case".
As you are replacing your old Christmas candles with new ones keep us in mind. You can donate your candles for us to use.
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
1John 1:5
(Contact me at
Sunday, December 4, 2011
22 Days & Maleria Pills
22 days until we leave.....I started counting down with 110 days to go is hard to believe that it is so close now.
TO DO this week:
Wednesday appointment to get Malaria Pills
I will need to start taking them two weeks before I leave. Please pray they don't upset my tummy.
Things I would like to do while I am there:
I try not to have an agenda or expectations but this morning I was thinking about what I would like to do while I am there.
1) See Johanna --the girl I met on my first trip.
2) Take a walk with Keylin
3) Spend time with the tias and the girls doing chores
4) Get to know my team members
5) Spend a day in the mountains
OH....and have a Honduran Coca Cola...... :-) Made with pure cane sugar.
God has his plan...and I will go with the flow....I just am hoping one or two of those things work into the flow.
Food to Buy:
I have been picking things up along the way but I still need a few things:
1) tuna/chicken
2) oatmeal
3) trail mix kinda something
I am feeling less stressed...and know I don't need as much as I have taken in the past. Let's pray I continue to feel that way.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving thoughts
In Honduras there is so much to be anxious about...where will the next meal come from? Will they have water or clothes....not to mention a job? But the people of Taulabe Honduras give thanks...and they trust in God for all their needs.
The recent holiday of Thanksgiving has made me stop and pause & think about the things I am thankful for...and my list includes God, Family, Friends, a home, etc. but am I thankful every day? I am ashamed to say no. If I went to bed hungry for one night would I be more thankful? Probably not...because I have no idea what it is like to go to bed hungry but there are many nights that the people of Honduras go to bed hungry and cold...dirty....but thankful.
They are not anxious but thankful. They know what it is like to truly trust God for everything. In some ways I envy them.
God is so awesome!!! He takes care of those that are poor in spirit, like me...and poorer at times then those who have nothing.
Thank you Lord for loving me so much!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
35 days......! WOW
The clock is ticking....35 days until departure. We had our final team meeting today...the next time I will see my team members is 6pm on December 25th to pack our trunks.
We received a balance sheet of our trip funds. I was pleasantly surprised to see my balance. Thank you so much to all that have contributed to my journey. I am close to my goal & feel so very blessed.
I found out at the meeting that because of the new airline fees you can check one bag but it is $25 to check a second. Instead of packing one suitcase & a trunk we will pack a duffel back and a trunk so that we will only have to check one bag on the return. (the duffel can go in the trunk) So this will be a challenge for me. I had pretty much developed a packing method....but we shall see. I will also have my carry-on. So maybe it won't be so bad.
Next thing on my list is to make an appointment to get my malaria medicine. Thankfully no shots this year!
Today I also received a letter from Keylin, the girl I had written about previously, it was a reminder why I go. She knows I will be there in December & is anxious to see me. Probably not as excited as I am to see her.
As time draws closer I know that "the poopy headed enemy" would like to make things difficult for me & my team members; please pray for us as we prepare our hearts & to go serve.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Christmas Tree of Love
In January of 2008 I visited Honduras for the first time & by 2009 I was involved with the Honduras Christmas Tree. Who knew that by 2010 I would be organizing the the tree myself & in charge of making sure all the girls were adopted, their names were on the proper package & that the gifts were packed and delivered.
I am looking forward to returning to Honduras in December but I am more excited about being part of the team that actually delivers the gifts to the girls and staff of the hogar. Could it be that in 2007 when Blanca caught my eye that God already knew that I would fall in love? He just planted the seed using the Christmas Tree Adoption ministry.
The Tree of Love goes up 12/4/11 and there are 30+ girls and staff of Fuente di Vida Orphanage that will be on the tree. They all have made three wishes and are waiting for their wishes to come true. Jesus commanded us to take care of the widows and the orphans &I am so blessed to be able to help these girls wishes come true.
If you would like to adopt one of the girls and share The Love of Christmas please contact me at
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Another Dream
I was in a small town & was a substitute mail delivery person...which is strange within itself. The postal service is very limited, if not non-exsistant there. I had small car like the little 'tut tut' taxis that they drive around town. I had to go to specific places that were marked with apparent numbers...every home didn't receive "mail".
The first home I stopped at was a tiny house and it served as a library. However, there were no books in the library. It was like a HUGE card catalog in a building.....the cards lined the walls and the ceiling. This little house was tended by one of the girls from the orphanage "Laura"...she remembered me when she first saw me.
I left her house and continued going to the specified houses delivering small packages. I saw some of the other girls at different houses but didn't talk to them like I did Laura.
At one point I was WAY up in the mountains & I remember thinking "Pastor Jim wouldn't like me being there alone".
After coming down from the mountain....I returned to the 'library' but Laura wasn't there so I returned to the Post Office.
Silly dreams....but I am sure they mean something.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Crazy Dream
Some where in the middle of the dream enters Eric (my youngest son) and his high school graduation. In the dream I was going to miss his graduation because I was going to be in Honduras. Crazy since he graduated two years ago!!!
Finally after some crazy plane swapping I arrive in Atlanta....I am running to find Jim & Pam when suddenly I meet up with Rob Wilkins (my dear friend and photo buddy) "What are you doing here? Did you miss the plane too? I didn't know you were even going on this trip"..... Rob mumbled something about getting up at 5 am and was barely packed. LOL so Rob.
Then I am off again to find the others but I run into Troy, who is my fellow Honduras Fountain of Life board member, comedian, and all around nice guy....but he wasn't his normal adult size...he was about 2! He was playing around and wouldn't come on so I finally picked him up and carried him through the airport.
Also in the midst of all this I realize that I didn't pack any of my food that I mentioned in my previous post!!! I would have to go to Wilmars (a little store in town) when I got there.....if I ever got there!
I never found Jim or Pam and I woke up somewhere in the airport with Troy.
Oh I surely hope this isn't a sign of things to come!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Prayer letter has gone out
List has been made
And I am starting to make piles.
I know it is just the first part of November but it is my goal to have everything for my trip together and ready to be packed by mid December.
I have learned from past trips you really don't need as much as you think you will. We take our own food for breakfast & lunch but the great thing is you end up sharing. I usually just take cereal for breakfast & pbj for lunch or tuna. Something of that nature. The last couple of trips I have collected the packs of jelly, mayo and various condiments from fast food restaurants. One year Givens Estate donated a huge bag of those items, enough for the whole team.
On our way from the airport to the campus we stop at a roadside fruit stand & buy pineapples & 'bitty bananas" Mmmmmm best stuff in the world! That is a big part of breakfast. As well as the fresh coffee that we brew each morning.
Getting my clothes together has actually been pretty easy because as I have changed over my wardrobe for the seasons I have just pulled out the clothes that I will need to take. Alot of the items that we take such as flashlights, clothes, pillows, any sheets, toiletries & even our clothes, we leave there. Is nice going on a trip & coming come with an empty suitcase. Well almost empty.....makes room to bring back coffee!!!
I just hope I can remember that less really is more...the less I take for me, the more I can take to the girls.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
First Team Meeting
Even after attending these meetings for three previous trip I find it very encouraging & exciting & also challenging. It allows me the opportunity to get to meet the folks that you will be spending 7 days in a foreign country with. We get to know each other, find out what concerns, fears, and everyone's needs are & ways that we can pray for each other.
This year our team is made up of a mom & two daughters, a mom & her college aged son (who I have gone with before) a mom of two small children who is a high school teacher (we were on the April 2010 together) two high school students, a father of two young children & college adviser (who I have traveled with twice before), Pastor Jim & is daughter as well a couple of others that were unable to be at the meeting.
Each of us come from different walks of life, we all have different challenges & bring different gifts to the team but, as we are reminded by Phillipians 2 we are going with the same purpose and sharing the same love for Christ.
Philippians 2
1 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
HELP.....Underewear, Bras & Sandles Needed
We are currently collecting bras, underwear & sandles for the girls of Hogar de NiÑas,
The girls ages are 2-18. Various sizes are needed. If you would like to donate these items you can drop them by the office of Grace Community Church or contact me for pick up.
Deadline for collection is October 18th
100lbs of Love
I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you.... THANK YOU !! I am so overwhelmed by the support I have ...
(view from inside of the hogar) Recently, as I was hanging my clothes out to dry my mind drifted back to the backyard of the hogar. The...
I'm not even sure what time it was when we arrived at the Mission House but what I do know is we had three hours to unpack the crates th...
One of the reasons I started this blog was so that my family and friends can follow my preparation for my trip in December, as well as, to ...