In January of 2008 I visited Honduras for the first time & by 2009 I was involved with the Honduras Christmas Tree. Who knew that by 2010 I would be organizing the the tree myself & in charge of making sure all the girls were adopted, their names were on the proper package & that the gifts were packed and delivered.
I am looking forward to returning to Honduras in December but I am more excited about being part of the team that actually delivers the gifts to the girls and staff of the hogar. Could it be that in 2007 when Blanca caught my eye that God already knew that I would fall in love? He just planted the seed using the Christmas Tree Adoption ministry.
The Tree of Love goes up 12/4/11 and there are 30+ girls and staff of Fuente di Vida Orphanage that will be on the tree. They all have made three wishes and are waiting for their wishes to come true. Jesus commanded us to take care of the widows and the orphans &I am so blessed to be able to help these girls wishes come true.
If you would like to adopt one of the girls and share The Love of Christmas please contact me at
Aw Dee, Next trip, we would love to adopt one of the girls. I wish I knew about this sooner. :(