I anxiously opened the envelope that contains a note from Honduras..of course it is in Spanish and I can't read it but I can pick words out here and there and I can imagine the smile of the one that sent it. (Thankfully I have a friend who can interpret it for me.)
Hi, how are you? I hope this letter finds you well with a lot of affection, hoping for the best in your life. Dee, I want to tell you that the photos you sent me are very beautiful. Thank you for the support that you have given us, and want to tell you that I miss you a lot and I need to tell you that I hope you have a good new year. Dee, thank you for everything and that soon we will start classes back up and that in November, I would like for you to come to my 6th grade graduation. I’m going to pray to God for you and I love you very much.
With love,
"God bless you always and I hope you come to Honduras soon, with love"
When I was there last April I met Kelin for the first time. She had been at the hogar for just a few months. She was a little shy the first day or so but we soon connected. She was very eager to learn English and we would walk around looking at things in the yard....I would point to a flower and say flower in English. She tried so hard to learn in such a short time. She was so anxious to be able to communicate with us, almost to frustration at times. The night before we left I gave her a teddy bear I had brought (unsure of who it would go to when I left the state but knowing by then who needed it) The next morning, as we were saying our tearful goodbyes she came to me to thank me for the bear. She was trying so hard to get me to understand what she was saying she finally took me by the hand and took me to her bed and showed me the bear. Through hand motions she told me that she slept with her bear last night and she loved it.
I am so anxious to return and sit on the porch with Kelin, walk around the yard and teach each other English and Spanish. She is another reminder of what God is doing in Taulabe Honduras.
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