I have to start this blog entry by saying thank you, thank you....THANK YOU!! I am so overwhelmed by the support I have received for this trip!

Last weekend, I began sorting through the items that have been donated...flip flops, t-shirts, children's clothes, school supplies, ball caps, & someone even made soap to send. As I packed each item I thanked the Lord for the ones who gave the items. I said to one lady 'you are one step closer to Honduras, you have made an investment.' I can't even begin to tell you how appreciative the people are for your gifts. They are thankful for every little thing that is given.
For me, am I thankful for your gifts and financial support but I am so very grateful for your prayers. I have had people email me and message me and tell me that they are praying for me. That is such a comfort for me to know that you are all going with me through your thoughts and prayers.
I do not take this opportunity for granted. I know that it is a great privilege to go. I am privileged to be able to be a messenger of hope and to remind those who are desperate that they are not alone.
As I zipped up the black duffle I said 'that is 50lbs of love'. Together I am taking 100lbs and it is worth more than that to those who receive it!!
Team one left for Honduras this past Friday. Part of the team will return next week while 4 of them will remain with us. Please pray for these folks this week as they are painting, loving and playing. Pray for their health and safety.
Please pray for our team as we wrap up our preparations. We have our 'packing party' on Wednesday and then our next meeting will be bright and early at the Asheville Airport Friday morning. Please pray that our hearts will be focused on what we have ahead of us.
I give thanks to my God for every remembrances of you.
Philippians 1:3