Yesterday's message at church was entitled "The Leading of God". The questions were asked How, Where and Why does God lead us in life. I have asked myself these things so many times over the years. Where is God taking me? What does he want me to do with my life, etc.
Although the message was a general 'Life Message' it really spoke to me concerning my upcoming trip and the ministry in Taulabe' Honduras.
Brian said that the majority of us are not called to serve overseas as missionaries but we are called to love others. Even though I travel to Honduras I have never seen myself as a missionary. I see myself as a fellow believer loving other's and showing them that they are not alone. I am always amazed how he uses me and I am honored and blessed that he does.
As Brian spoke I especially thought of the team that I will be a part of . The passage used on Sunday was Acts 16:1-19 Talking about how Paul, Timothy and others went to different cities spreading the gospel.... THEY WENT...and...They went together. At our last meeting we talked about team work and serving together as a team. I am looking forward to serving with this amazing group. As always teams are all different. Most of the members are teenagers and there are a few adults sprinkled among the bunch. We all have different gifts and talents and God will use us all separately but I also know he will use us together. There will be times we are tired, hot and maybe even homesick. I anticipate there will be times of great joy and moments of accomplishment and whether we experience these times individually we will also be there together. Helping each other through this great adventure and many new experiences.
I really liked this quote from the message "God always leads us beyond what is comfortable as he propels us to love the needy In word and deed"
Please pray for us as we continue to prepare for this journey. We each have our own fears and anxieties. However I ask that you pray for us this week as a team as we prepare to go TOGETHER.
Moving Loving Repeat